Category: creativity



It’s post turkey day and the attitude of gratitude actually is stronger today than during yesterday’s national day of at-onement.


Odd little “guilties” slither through the halls of post-celebratory beingness though. Guilties about the YUUGE (thank you Donald) quantities of foodstuffs prepared and half-consumed yesterday. But all the cleaning and scrubbing and dinner-party detail consciousness stands up and barks for attention, stopping the slithering in its tracks and actually sending them to their underground nests.


Guilt and punishment have been unconscious pillars of the WAV (World According to Virginia) and since Oct. 2015 I have been observing and exposing the twilight world of The Sinful Self – all well-described and massaged throughout much of Jung, Freud and Seth/Jane Roberts’ works.


My work to transform false beliefs in guilt, punishment and the Sinful Self’ etc. seem finally to have come home to roost –  racism and misogyny of any stripe is not punishable in the U.S. – and I never knew that until this 2016 presidential election.


I do feel, however, that such views were punishable in the U.S. prior to 2015’s affirmations to the contrary. Call me crazy, but I think I created this reality exactly because I was so intent upon setting free the bears of guilt and damnation within my belief system.


I kept saying “How could this happen?” and so did the majority of people I talk to – despite the fact that the electoral college gave the vote to Mr. Trump even though the majority of Americans did not choose Trump, by some 2.9 million people to date (Jan. 10, 2017 update).


So how did my neat little world of We The People turn into We The White Majority? Well I’ve been focusing on free speech and freedom in general and that includes a world where ALL people’s opinions are acceptable, deserve to be expressed and heard (gulp).


Maybe this is an upside-down compassion manifestation, a pattern of acceptance of all points of view. Hopefully that will relieve enough pressure on the politically incorrect “Unacceptable” expressions of racism/genderism/sexism and the like, so bringing this nation to some kind of common human tolerance.


OK, I’ve got another interview so I’ll leave my little bombshell right here and come back when the “hows” and “wherefores” take more shape, leaving tracks I can follow, hopefully identify and finally set free.



Just Do It! That Nike TM phrase is my Soul’s reminder to “get moving! already.” Sounds more like a Yiddishe mama, nu?

But jumping in to the keyboard without an “assignment” from an editor just seems so lame – so self-serving.

I have nine columns and stories to research, schedule and write before I’m deep into winter skiing, and this blog on creativity just seems so beside the point – especially when I have so many “real” writing gigs to do.

At the same time, I just love this consciousness loop focused on creativity itself. It’s like a beloved domesticated wild animal, a lion say, that pauses in its life tracks just to touch base with me – its adored compadre in Life’s endeavor – just to rub noses or foreheads or a scuffle-hug before going about the business of marking territory, reading the news of competitors and checking on the herds in the veldt.

I confess, however, this very focus on creativity is highly distorting – each look there can be explosive – creating and destroying in the same glance.

Artists of all stripes complain about creative ambiguity as a part of their process. Writers of course call it writer’s block, painters call it petrifying (see Julie Gilbert Pollard’s post, The Exhilarating and Petrifying Act of Making Art,

Creative block is just part and parcel of human creativity – and the more you produce, the bigger the creative abyss. But what a wonderful conundrum to wake up to every day.

The hardest part, however, is remembering that everything we experience in daily life is a product of our choices, whether it be focusing on daily soap operas or World War theaters. I actually still balk and resist this metaphysical truism so oft repeated through various incarnate and discarnate entities.

When things are good, they are very good and I take credit for all of it. When it’s bad, it has nothing to do with me – I’m a poor empty bag blowing in the wind, “Oh woe, alack and alas.”

But the good, the bad and the sad is a tale for another blog post. I’m feeling particularly competent this morning and have people to see and places to go. So until next time, good creating!